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Rikudei-Am in Israel           Israeli Folk Dancers Association
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melbetbdofficialJew rogue 
(*melbetbdofficial)Looking for a Dance Partner?
I am final, I am sorry, but it not absolutely approaches me. Perhaps there are still variants?
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טנגו ארגנטינאי 
(*אלכסנדר)Looking for a Dance Partner?
Looking for a female dance partner at the dancing level of beginners, in the region of Ashdod ,
for dancing on Tuesday , regular repertoire , 80s and 90s dances , nostalgic dances , international dances ,
age 45 to 60
צריך אישה לשיעורי טנגו ארגנטינאי. יום שלישי 18:00. מחוז אשדוד ב' ידע מינימלי בשפה הרוסית רצוי אך לא ...
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Looking for a dance partner 
Yishai Looking for a Dance Partner?
Looking for a female dance partner at the dancing level of advanced, in the region of Raanana , Tel-Aviv ,
for dancing on Sunday , Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday , regular repertoire ,
age 45 to 70
I am visiting from USA.
My Contact Info: Phone: 18183844027, Email:
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Looking for a dance partner 
Shimonkey Looking for a Dance Partner?
Looking for a female dance partner at the dancing level of beginners, in the region of Raanana , Tel-Aviv ,
for dancing on Sunday , Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday , Friday , Saturday , age 40 to 70
I am a beginner dancer visiting Israel from the USA for an extended period. I'm 6"1 68 years old WhatsApp: 732...
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Looking for a Dance partner for the Month of July2019 
(*Vicky)Looking for a Dance Partner?
Looking for a male dance partner at the dancing level of advanced / intermediate , in the region of Raanana , Tel-Aviv ,
for dancing on Sunday , Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday , Friday , Saturday , regular repertoire , 80s and 90s dances , nostalgic dances ,
I will be in Israel during the month of July 2019.

I dance in ...
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About Us What Else?
Who & Why
Israeli dancing in Israel has become one of the most popular hobbies and leisure time activities. Ever since the first pioneers in the settlements began to dance, tens of thousands of dancers in Israel and all over the world have adopted this hobby. Israeli dancing has attracted dancers of all nationalities, the young and the old, newcomers from different countries, as well as those who have lived in Israel all their lives.
Karmiel Festival in Israel Rikudei-Am around the world
  Dear Dancers
Welcome to the English version of the Israeli Folk Dancers Association website. Meet our volunteer website team of Adi Habad - Chairman of Irgun Harokdim, Harry Couriel - website coordinator, Yardena Riegler - website manager, Vered Menashri - Hebrew site editor, Donny Gilor - php programmer, and Jane Rosen - English site editor. We hope this website will become your regular resource for dance information, and a place to express YOUR opinions about dance issues in Israel or around the globe.
Click for comments and correspondence.
We All Do Israeli Folk Dancing
You love Israeli Folk Dancing. You want to learn about Israeli Folk Dancing. You have come to the right place. The Folk Dancers Association Site is the premier site for Israeli Folk Dancing. Here you will find the most comprehensive information about Israeli Folk Dancing, events and activities. The Israeli Folk Dancers Association (Irgun Harokdim) site provides you with a wealth of information; news, articles, stories, interviews, reader comments, dance session details, even a special column, “Where to dance for free on Saturdays?” That is just a sample of what is available to you, here. You are wondering where to dance. Check out the most advanced Israeli Folk Dancing search engine, which incorporates a map of Israel. Just indicate where you want to dance, or the type of dancing, or the name of the teacher, and you will get a list of all the locations fitting your criteria. Our Folk Dancers Association Site will supply you with the answers to all your questions. Welcome, see you on the dance floor!
Israeli Dancing In London | Matti Goldschmidt | Nona Malki | Revital Golan | Israel's Circles Vienna |
Nirkoda | Israeli Dance Institute | Zooz Dance | BailaRikud | Strictly Israeli Dancing |

Dance instructors and session leaders, please contact us to exchange links.
All information on this site belongs to the Israeli Folk Dancers' Association and may not be reprinted or used without prior written consent.

The Israeli Folk Dancers Association Internet Website
Terms and Conditions of Usage
Site update: 18 August 2024
PHP Development: Donny
Web Site Design: Yardena
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